"Multi-dimensional philosophers and teachers throughout history; Aristotle, Socrates, and Rudolph Steiner (to name a few) were Forest-oriented. Entrepreneurs and visionaries are all Forest-oriented.

Generalists, the “jack of all trades” personalities are Forest-oriented. People who embrace the holistic and recognize that terrain is everything are Forest-oriented. Conspiracy theorists are Forest-oriented." STOP PSYCHO ANAYLIZING ME!!! Doc, you are absolutely correct. At this point I believe the whole society needs to adopt some of those principles. I mean, we've been spinning in circles relying on the old paradigm in schools and society at large. It has manifestly failed. Good post :)

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Thanks, and I’ve made myself nuts with self-psychoanalysis, too! Agreed; a shift is needed and long overdue, and we can really empower that shift by openly and unapologetically expressing ourselves as the big picture thinkers that we’ve always been, without self-censoring any longer. The covidCon really helped dissolve some of the negativity, as one after another, all of our conspiracy truths have turned out to be truth and not “theory” after all!

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