When pondering the question “what single word describes the most important concept that our human family must embody if we are to continue as a species?” the obvious answer in 2024 must be “Sovereignty”.
Prior to covid, the majority of us in the West didn’t spend much time reflecting on what this meant, we just assumed that we had it because we had grown up under the heavy influence of a society programmed to accept slogans and buzzwords. Propaganda and platitudes. Mind-control. We were programmed to believe we were sovereign, when we were in fact, the exact opposite. Covid woke us up with a hard slap in the face, and a great many of us have become more and more awake and aware every day. We will never sleep again. This goes against the grain of a large number of our brothers and sisters, who blinked when the lights came on….then fell back asleep. They wanted nothing more than to continue drifting along comfortably under that spelI; contented chickens who can count on the farmer arriving every morning with scraps and cracked corn.
I will never forget the 2021 Fourth of July cookout at my sister’s house. It was the first large gathering that we had held since a blanket of manufactured fear had been flung over Earth. My sister’s high school best friend, an x-ray technician at a local medical center, arrived in a fashionable black dress….with a matching sateen black muzzle over her face. Looking around at our horrified double-takes, she sheepishly pulled the detestable thing off and settled into acceptance of her own discomfort at the potentially deadly contagion that she was exposing herself to just be being in our presence. Down by the pool a few beverages later, she admitted to the small group of her friends that she enjoyed how “safe” wearing the muzzle made her feel….and that she often wore it in her house.
Humans in this day and age exist in a state of unconsciousness. We take our blessings for granted, and often don’t even notice them ….until we suddenly feel their absence. And sometimes, such as during covid, the contrast between what we believed to be true…and what actually IS true becomes such a glaring spotlight that we are jarred out of our hypnotic lull. Such as the realization that Fox News is NOT“fair and balanced”, NPR is NOT “funded by you” and that flying American Airlines does NOT feel like an experience that is “friendly”….but most of all, that America is certainly NOT “land of the free and home of the brave”; and that we are far and away from being “free”.
Can you close your eyes and imagine a time when you felt truly free? Many, many people can not, and they are not even aware of how freedom feels. It is my belief that these are the people who have chosen to go back to sleep, and choose to exist in a state of perpetual cognitive dissonance. They do not value freedom, which is a lower emanation of Sovereignty, conceptually speaking….because they do not know what it feels like. You don’t know what you don’t know. Truer words have never been spoken.
For the rest of us, Sovereignty has become our hill to die on. One expression of Sovereignty in this physical life is true self-governance; citizenship and this expression is but a dimension of Sovereignty, which in and of itself is multi-dimensional, as quantum physics is to Newtonian physics. The all-encompassing, multi-dimensionality of Sovereignty can be appropriately expressed as “Spiritual Sovereignty”, because as I see it, “Spirit” is like the Shekinah; an umbrella underneath which all aspects of the human experience of body, mind, emotion and soul rest.
Spiritual Sovereignty is a state of being. It is a place of balance, authenticity, open-heartedness, discernment, and full connection to Source, which is Divine Guidance. To be Spiritually Sovereign requires one to be fully conscious and present. This place of presence IS the Zero Point from which all creation springs. And the foundation for Spiritual Sovereignty, at least for those of us who have not had a so-called “near-death” experience of direct Divine intervention, is a pure physical vessel. The body IS your temple; without it, you would not have been able to incarnate as a human being. It is the first layer of consciousness in the auric field, here on Earth….and it’s energetic frequency is generated by the root chakra, the densest manifestation of light and sound which can be perceived by the five physical senses.
Recently, I presented on the topic of Grounding and Earthing at a spiritual expo. My focus was to highlight the importance of the body as a clear vessel of consciousness, particularly as in the spiritual community, this is often minimized. “You are not your body!” is a common rallying cry, and people very often use that as excuse to ignore this foundation as being uninportant. Nothing could be further from the truth, and this example of spiritual bypassing prevents people from taking the necessary steps to strengthen their Full Armor of God.
We require a physical body to incarnate here. True, the body is a vessel; a container for Consciousness. It is also an anchor that keeps us connected to our Earthly experience, and to serve as the best anchor possible it must be grounded, clear, pure, balanced, protected and fully intact. Generally speaking, practices and behaviors which are aimed at any or all of these goals are grouped collectively under the term “spiritual hygiene”, and prioritizing this is the foundational first-step in any spiritual discipline that is sustainable.
Spiritual hygiene begins with the physical container of the spirit (Consciousness); the body. Ensuring that the container is strong and intact, without holes of weak spots is the first order of business. We are faced with many challenges and pitfalls, all of which are a threat to our physical vessels, and the majority of the threats originate from Parasitic Consciousness. Parasites are not only “bugs”, they are addictions, energy blockages, seals/implants, human energy vampires, and entire SYSTEMS that were designed to create fear, suppression and control. In short, parasitic consciousness is anything that siphons Vital Life Force and feeds off of it.
Vital life force has been steadily siphoned from Earth at the same time that the vital life force of the human collective has been siphoned; and the parasites have grown bloated in their appetite for more and more.
Q: What do sneakers, rubber tires, sunscreen, sunglasses, screen avatars, television and computer screens, drive-thru’s, and facemasks all have in common?
A: All are physical barriers designed to separate us. From Earth, which is the source of physical nutrition and sustainance. From sunlight, which is the catalyst for consciousness-activation. From each other and from Divine Source, which are one and the same, as the message of our universal shared connection was taught to us through the embodiment of Jesus Christ.
Physical barriers create separation and division, and this is all by design; to foster dis-ease and incoherence. In order to regain true health and coherence, we must consciously reconnect ourselves to all these things that we have been separated from, and the most basic, first step is to plant feet firmly on the ground.
Grounding (Earthing) is not just for “hippies”.
Bare feet connecting to the ground plugs a human being into the direct current of vital life force that flows between Divine, the Source of All….and Earth; Nature, nurturer and sustainer of life. Our physical body vessels were created to be such a conduit…and in the process of allowing the flow of vital life force through us, we balance our emotions and our health improves. What happens when we make a habit of connecting directly to Earth over time?
Our physical senses become greatly amplified.
Kinesiology results increase dramatically.
Herxheimer reactions and inflammation drain away.
Schumann Resonance and the physical body’s resonance are able to synch up.
The more that you become consciously aware of your body as a conduit for the flow of Divine Source and Nature’s sustainance, the more stabilized your emotions become, the greater your focus, and the more impervious you become to hijacking from parasitic attachment. Spiritual Sovereignty begins to grow.
There is a reason why Grounding Mats, sheets, and pads are all the rage right now. Thermography has shown a discernable improvement in body function after just a few nights, and scientific study has replicated these results repeatedly from a variety of different angles.
Some of them:
Journal of Environmental & Public Health - https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jeph/2012/291541/
Journal of Inflammation Research
Biomedical Journal
My invitation to fellow truth-seekers and dot-connectors is to research the history of the sneaker, and the concurrent explosion of inflammation that has “baffled” and “confused” doctors of allopathy ever since. These people have spent so much time chanting their slogan “correlation does not equal causation” (a mind-control program that completely contradicts the principle of Cause and Effect — which is a Universal, Cosmic LAW) that they have hypnotized themselves into functional obsolescence. There is no such thing as coincidence. But I digress……
Swap out the plastic and rubber footwear for leather and bare feet, and get yourself back to a direct connection of skin-to-Earth every single day and notice the changes that will take place over time. Everything that you do to benefit your physical body benefits you on multi-dimensional levels, as the body is your grounding anchor to this physical existence. Just this one, simple practice, done consistently, has the power to begin radically transforming your body-mind-spirit connection. Add in regular detoxification and anti-parasitic cleanse protocols and real nutrition, and these purification practices will be reflected in elevated levels of Consciousness and improved discernment on every level.
At the end of the day, anything that creates density and “drag” on the physical body has the same effects on overall consciousness. Spiritual Sovereignty comes with the growing recognition that all Authority must come from that still-small-voice within that has been referred to as Holy Spirit, Higher Self, Divine Guidance (insert whatever term resonates) and not from outside of the self. This is our human birthright, and that which we must fully embody as a race. The time is now.
Good points. Besides grounding, what really helps is living a life based on truth aka integrity. There has to be harmony between thought, word and deed. This is ignored by many people who claim to be seekers. But it's vital for success.
Excellent article and sobering image of before and after grounding. Thank you so much!