David R Hawkins in his seminal work Power versus Force talked about Consciousness as a resonant energy signature that is in everything. It is the measure of frequency in every thought, every emotion, every action, every state of being. Using applied kinesiology, he measured the frequency, the Consciousness, of different emotional states and charted them….this became known as the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness. The lowest Consciousness signature, that of apathy, is 10; and this frequency does not sustain life for long. It has long been known that babies who are not held and nurtured fall into a state of apathy which causes them to fail to thrive, and eventually die. The signature of Divine Grace, 1000; the Consciousness signature embodied by Jesus Christ, has the power to transform hundreds of millions of people past, present and future, and allow them to transcend the limitations of the less than favorable conditions in which they find their lives. Such is the immense power of Consciousness.
All Spirituality begins with a recognition of the existence of something which goes well beyond the limits of our three-dimensional plane of awareness. This something has been called many different names; Collective Unconscious, the Higher Self, the Quantum Field, the Zero Point, the Universe…..the Creator/Divine/God. It is limitless energy; the place from which all things are possible.
All variations of energy and spiritual healing, from ancient practices such as Ayurveda and acupuncture to Reiki, Biofield tuning to Quantum techniques and plant and homeopathic medicine rest foundationally upon the principles of this energy field. Kirlian photography, and light and sound frequency experiments such as those conducted by notables such as Marcel Vogel and Misaro Emoto have immortalized the evidence of these truths.
The hundreds of millions of human beings who have experienced healing from debilitating health problems using energy/Consciousness-based techniques provide testamentary evidence that is experiential and very real.
The human auric field, also called the Biofield, is a multi-layered electromagnetic energy field that surrounds the body. It has also been recorded and recognized to exist by mainstream science.
Eileen McKusack, author of Your Electric Body and founder of the healing technology known as Biofield Tuning which uses high quality tuning forks to generate musical frequencies that reset the body’s systems back to their coherent frequencies, acknowledges that the human auric field, the Biofield, is the largest organ of the human body, and the least well-known.
Least well known by the mainstream population, perhaps…but certainly not so within the spiritually aware community of energy workers. Also not least well known among the legions of service-to-self parasitic beings who I refer to as the “dark sorcerors of Atlantis” and who are collectively referred to as the Deep State, the cabal, the “elite”, and various other names. All those who prey upon humanity as a food source; who in their hubris and disconnection from Source are devoid of empathy and compassion and exist only to siphon vital life force from others. These sociopaths are quite well aware of the true nature of the human auric field, as Sabrina Wallace has warned people time and time again in her presentations about biofield hijacking.
The aura is a toroidal field generated layer by layer by energy vortices known as Chakras, and transmuted out from the heart center or the “high heart”…..corresponding to the hypothalamus in the physical body. The hypothalamus is the pivotal point of the human endocrine system which is fed by the vagus nerve channel. Allopathic Rockefellar medicine has long minimized the significance of the hypothalamus, even going so far as to removing it during pediatric heart surgeries without disclosure to parents.
Chakra is Sanskrit for “wheel”. In the human energy body, chakras are located along the central column (in the physical body, the grounded Earthly level often referred to as the “meatsuit”) or the spinal cord, and they emanate up the vagus nerve column. Chakras are the access points within the blueprint (architecture) of organic life forms that plug us into these different levels of Consciousness, and each chakra generates an energy signature….a frequency…..that corresponds to a level of manifested consciousness of an area of human life.
The most basic understanding of the human energy field that is universally recognized across the globe consists of seven primary chakras, each generating an energy of manifestation that represents a universal area of life; Survival, creation, personal power, connection, authenticity, intuition and cosmic connection.
The lower three lower chakras; Red, Orange and Yellow generate the densest energy fields, and they are evident within the physical world. They represent the electric, masculine principle of action. The chart below identifies specific correspondences which represent the energies of these vortices. Problems experienced in any of the areas of life that are governed by these energy centers stem from blockages in the corresponding energy centers. Some familiar examples include a writer’s block; which is a blockage in the orange, sacral chakra that is our creative center, or fear preventing one from moving forward and gathering momentum in career reflecting a blockage in the solar plexis chakra. As Within, as Without; targeted energy work can clear these problems and allow the individual to move past their limitations.
The central point on the human energetic system is the Heart Chakra. It is here that the three lower chakras of action and the three upper chakras of reception merge….and integrate, generating the toroidal field which surrounds the living organism and contains the sum total of all the different levels of consciousness that the chakra system is emanating.
The green energy of the heart center is healing, growth, regeneration and acceptance; this is the largest chakra, and is the place where the maculine and the feminine connect in Heiros Gamos; the Divine union of the masculine and feminine. Air is its element, and its musical frequency is 639 (D# sharp5 + 46c). The heart chakra also corresponds to the fourth strand of DNA in the original angelic human template.
The three upper chakras; blue, indigo and violet are the Divine Feminine consciousness; magnetic, and receptive. A blockage in any of these chakras will show up in the inability to speak one’s truth (a blocked throat chakra), or a lack of discernment/disconnection from accessing ones’ intuitive, psychic abilities (a blocked third eye chakra), or the inability to feel connection to Source (crown chakra).
A chakra system that is energetically balanced will generate a resonant frequency that is Coherent; and attract like frequency, while a system that is full of blockages in the various energy centers will correspondingly vibrate at a denser state of consciousness.
Directed energy work with the intention of clearing and harmonizing the chakras will raise someone’s overall frequency and the corresponding amplitude will radiate through the auric field to begin attracting outer manifestations of the same frequency.
This is why “shadow work” is so important in mindfulness practice; it is any work that targets energetic blockages including beliefs, traumas, unprocessed emotions, cross-purposes (desires that are in conflict with each other), and any other places that an individual has given away his/her power. The more inner work that is done, the more density is released…raising overall consciousness.
One thing cannot be left out of a discussion about the multidimensionality of the human energy field, and that is the way that organized religion has worked hard to demonize it, and to create a culture of fear around recognition of the full potention of the human being, including accessing the higher statesof consciousness that we ALL contain. Spiritual gifts of the third eye chaka; the clairs, intuition, and direct communication from Source that filter through the crown into the pineal gland are part of the human blueprint and are endowed to us directly by Divine. These awarenesses do NOT come from demons, or galactic beings attempting to play God, or as a result of manipulations; they are our Divine heritage as human beings. Only God creates; demons do not, nor do any galactic visitors or entities on any level….it is the ability of God and of God ALONE. All that any of these others can do is hijack, subvert, siphon and mimick; they can not create, period. Therefore, fear-driven beliefs that human beings who demonstrate these evolved abilities are “controlled by demons” or that in expressing their higher sensory awarenesses they are “doing Satan’s work” are the result of a concerted effort by the very same dark consciousness entities who have been actively manipulating, twisting and enslaving humanity for eons to sow fear. This is all related to the galactic entities described in the Old Testament books masquerading as “God”….the anu-elohim.
The vengeful, jealous “god” of the Old Testament describes an entity; this is NOT Divine Creator, the Source of All. The word “Jehovah” means “ruler”. This is a title, not a deity. Feel into the energy that emanates from the words of the New Testament compared to the Old Testament and the difference is clear. Jesus said “My Father is not your father”. As hijacked as we must assume ALL texts, ancient or modern, have been……energy signature doesn’t lie. Lies and truth are woven together to sew deliberate confusion, but at the end of the day, the body knows. How do the words FEEL in your body when you read them? This is a fundamental key to discernment. The problem is, we humans have gotten used to not trusting our own body communication.
I will write more about the higher level chakras beyond the seven primaries at a later time; this is enough for now. This has been a somewhat high level explanation of the human auric field for those who are interested in exploring it further, and is meant to be a launch pad for deeper study. For serious students of Spiritual Alchemy who are looking for a formal study into metaphysics presented from the lens of the Divine Feminine in the ancient wisdow of the Essenes, please check out Path of the Masters A Modern Day Mystery School.
Everything is about energy... Those in tune can feel it instantly upon meeting someone... This is why we look people in the eyes when we talk to them. The eyes transmit the soul. The eyes transmit and receive energy in the form of light. That light has a spectrum. We perceive that spectrum if we are tuned.
A wonderful explanation of energy and the field, Dr. Kay. Thank you. Energy healing is an amazing modality and it's already helping so many people heal. We have that power within us. The more people become aware of this, the more things shift in our world. I see so much Light flooding in. 💛